viernes, 24 de diciembre de 2021


 My family and I have read in newspapers and seen on TV that the volcano has stopped producing lava and many scientists are waiting to see if the volcano will continue or stop.

I saw on Youtube an American scientist saying that the volcano will calm down but that in the future it will surely erupt again.


 A lot of people are talking that we might be confined again as the number of cases is rising.

The government in Spain and in many places have alerted everyone that masks have to be compulsory all over the world to protect us because it is most likely that we will be confined until the virus goes down, even if we have the vaccines it is very important to have the masks. 


martes, 7 de diciembre de 2021


 Since Friday I have heard and heard about the new plague of COVID that has been called Omicron. In any news program or radio or even internet at the moment, they only talk about that new variant.

From what I’ve seen, it’s a very worrying pest because it has a high risk of reinfection, I don’t know what that means, but I think it’s like it’s very dangerous. And it must be because the plague was announced on Friday and on Saturday it was no longer possible to fly from southern African countries to the European Union, and because now COVID is returning as before.

We thought everything was getting better because we were vaccinated, but it looks like this is going to last a few years. 

 The other day my brother asked me what an earthquake was and I told him that it is a natural phenomenon, in which there is a movement of th...